Gear coupling is the same number of teeth and the inner ring gear teeth of the flange half-band coupling and other parts. 齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。
Lateral elastic coupling device of the locomotive bogie is a main provision of decreasing wheel flange wear. 机车转向架横向弹性连接装置是减少轮缘磨耗的主要措施。
KRH flexible coupling of housing is a product of replacing flange plate. KRH型卡箍式柔性管接头是传统的法兰盘的替代产品。
Effects of coupling loss with Fiber and Flange on laser transfer power 光纤和法兰耦合损耗对激光传输功率的影响